10 Things to buy on Dhanteras-2019

Things to buy on Dhanteras-2019
Shubh Dhanteras

  1. Buy Lakshmi and Ganesh idol and worship the woman on Diwali.
  2. Often people buy new vehicles during Diwali, even on the day of   Dhanteras, a large number of vehicles are purchased. If you also want to get a new car on the day of Dhanteras, then you can do it but pay for it in advance. Avoid paying for the vehicle on the day of Dhanteras, the vehicle should not be brought into the house during Rahu.
  3. Buying gold and silver items is auspicious.
  4. If buying clothes on this day, give priority to white or red colored clothes.
  5.  Buying a property is considered auspicious.
  6. Clockwise conch. It is considered auspicious to buy a rosary of lotus leaf, religious literature or a rosary of Rudraksha.
  7.  Because here is the day of Lord Dhanvantari, that is why this day and marriage can also be purchased.
  8. Steel and brass utensils can be taken.
  9. Buying a broom on the occasion of Dhanteras is considered good. This causes negative energy to go out of the house.
  10. Bringing salt on Dhanteras brings peace and happiness to the house.