Health Benefits of Indian gooseberry (Amla)

Benefits of Indian gooseberry (Amla)
Indian gooseberry(amla)

Benefits of Indian gooseberry (Amla)

  1. Indian gooseberry (Amla) is useful for curing stomach disease as well as to cool the brain. Apart from this, Indian gooseberry (Amla) has many benefits.
  2. Indian gooseberry (Amla), whether it is hara or dry, grind some of its kalia in a pan and apply it for a while. After a few days, the stains will be removed from the face.
  3. The body motion of Indian gooseberry (Ambala) is correct when eaten before going to bed at night. The kabz problem resolves.
  4. If there is gas, acidity in the stomach, then sucking Indian gooseberry (Amla) with black salt and pulse removes gas and acidity in the stomach.
  5. Grind Indian gooseberry (Amla) with gram flour and apply as a boil, the skin remains soft.
  6. Blood goose and heart patients get a lot of benefit from Indian gooseberry (Amla). Indian gooseberry is loaded with vitamin-C. Pain in the gums or tooth pain sucked one or two Indian gooseberries.
  7. The pickle of Indian gooseberry keeps bones strong. Eating marmalade of Indian gooseberry (Amla) in the morning increases memorization power. Do not eat the diabetic logo of the Indian gooseberry (Amla) marmalade.
  8. If you mix honey and drink in Indian gooseberry (Amla) juice, then there is benefit in diabetic. One teaspoon of Indian gooseberry (Amla) juice and one teaspoon honey daily is enough.
  9. People who often get dark in front of the eyes, mix two teaspoons of Indian gooseberry (Ambala) in a glass of water and serve it for 10-15 dino.
  10. For white hair, drinking Indian gooseberry (Amla) churan or Triphala churan in the morning is beneficial. Soak Triphala Churan in water. After that wash the head with that leaf. Hair will turn black in some time. 

 Image by Bishnu Sarangi from Pixabay

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