Home Remedies for Treatment of Gas Acidity relief in stomach

Home Remedies for Treatment of  Gas Acidity relief in stomach

Home Remedies for Treatment of Acidity In Stomach

Acidity is a common problem that often causes people to have two to four. If you also have this same problem, then carefully read this

Due to changing food habits and lifestyle, most of these people have some problems related to the stomach. 

One of them is acidity.

Why acidity is form in the stomach?

More acid is formed in the upper part of the navel, due to which there is a burning sensation. Sometimes it comes down to the throat towards acid. Which causes sour bursts and a burning sensation. It is mainly due to bile. When the heat in the stomach starts increasing, bile is produced in the stomach by eating things with hot effects, more chili masala, and oily food. 

Constant burning sensation in chest and neck, dry cough, flatulence, bad breath, sour belching, occasional vomiting, sour things in vomiting, this type of problem start due to acidity.

what should you do If you have been acidity for a long time?

If you have acidity for a long time, it may cause stomach blisters or swelling. irritable bowel syndrome that affects the stomach., malbarsopasone syndrome, in which the body is unable to absorb the ingredients from food and may also have anemia.

Do the beginning of the day like this

If you drink a lukewarm drink and start the day, then the acidity will give a lot of relief. Squeezing a small amount of black pepper and half a lemon in lukewarm water, drinking regularly in the morning is also beneficial.

After eating

Eating sofas after eating can also relieve acidity. Sofas reduce acidity by creating a cold in the stomach. You can drink it by chewing the sofa directly or by making its tea. Drinking a little sugar in lemon water also does not cause acidity. It will be more beneficial to take it before lunch.

Milk will get relief

Cold milk is a good way to get rid of acidity. cold milk relieves the pain of calcium acidity. Therefore, whenever there is a pain in the stomach due to burning or gas in the stomach, you can consume cold milk.

Natural Remedies for Treatment of Acidity

  • Chop the ginger piece and put black salt on it and suck it.
  • You can also drink ginger by boiling it with water.
  • Ambala can be drunk with black salt or by boiling it or as a juice. Mixed juice of Ambala or aloe vera can also be drunk.
  • After eating food, you can chew the basil slab or boil it with hot water and serve it.
  • You can drink herbal tea in addition to milk tea.
  • Drink coconut water daily.
  • Long chewing also removes acidity.
  • Eat flour with bran.
  • Boil celery in water and after cooling it can be filtered and drunk.
  • You can also roast celery on a pan and mix it with black salt.
  • Cardamom can be sucked by mouth.
  • Drink powdered mint leaves mixed with black salt.
  • You can boil cumin seeds in water.
  • You can have a piece of good after meals.

Change your lifestyle

  • It is also important to follow the discussion on the right day in addition to food. Sleep early and wake up early, waking up late at night and then sleeping till late in the morning increases bile. Due to which the problem of acidity increases.
  • There should not be a long gap between meals, avoid the clap roasts, bakery products, and pickles.
  • Do not chew food quickly but chew it easily and eat it. Take a small handle. Do not drink water in between meals. Do not eat fruits on an empty stomach. Avoid outside food and fast-food. Avoid mental depression.
  • Avoid eating acidity-enhancing foods like rice, brinjal, potato, black gram, gram flour, more sour things, flour, coffee, and milk tea. Get plenty of sleep and go for a great walk in the morning.

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  1. Nice post and I tried some remedies. But for me acidity supplements works well.

  2. Nice post. Well what can I say is that these is an interesting and very informative topic on home remedies for stomach acidity


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