What is Thyroid? Treatment,Causes,Symptoms And Ayurvedic remedy

What is Thyroid? Treatment, Causes, Symptoms And Ayurvedic remedy

What is thyroid?

Due to hormonal disturbances, women are getting the thyroid problem on the neck. The right way to avoid thyroid is to adopt a healthy lifestyle, but today we will give some tips to those women who can fight against thyroid disease. So let's know how you can bring thyroid disease under your control.
What is Thyroid? Treatment,Causes,Symptoms And Ayurvedic remedy
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Why does thyroid disease occur?

  • The first reason for having thyroid disease is that it can be a family disease. This can be passed on from one generation to the next generation, such as if your grandmother, uncle, mother, sister of your house is already Sikar before this disease, then this disease comes in your interest.
  • The second reason for being thyroid is that if you consume more or less iodine salt in your food, then you can get this disease. So whenever you eat food, definitely eat iodized food.
  • The third reason for having thyroid is that if you live in strass due to any reason, then you can get thyroid disease. That stress can be family stress or work stress or you may have stress due to some different reasons.
  • The fourth reason for being thyroid is the wrong eating habits. It has often been seen that people of our young generation never take care of their daily food intake, due to which there can be many other diseases also, not thyroid.
  • The fifth reason for being thyroid is to stay up late at night. Due to social media in our life, we stay awake till late night due to which we can also get sick due to lack of sleep, dizzy mind.
  • The sixth reason for being a thyroid is that the side effect of medicine if a person indulges in long-term therapy, the side effect of the medicine causes thyroid disease.

What do women who suffer from thyroid?

  • If you are already doing some medicine in advance, do not miss the medicine and do not eat anything 15-20 minutes before and after eating the medicine. And remember that if there is any strong aromatic thing in the mouth, then medicine does not have any effect.
  • Just like we have already told you that thyroid is caused by wrong eating, then you need to take full care of your diet to avoid thyroid.
  • Try to keep the stress as far away from you as possible. So you will not have thyroid disease.
  • You know that thyroid is in your throat, then you can do that pranayama or exercise which produces a bit of pressure, pressure or vibration in the throat.
  • You can do yoga daily to avoid this, like Kapal Bharti, which is more than you can do even for 5 minutes.
  • Do Pranayama for 15-20 minutes.
  • Laying on the ground, repeating the posture 2 or 3 times like Setubandh, Sarbang and Halasana, lying upside down, Bhujang and Sitting Ustrasan. If you have neck, back pain, high BP, and heart problems, do not stop Halasan and Sarbang.
  • If you do not walk outside every morning, then you should start walking because by walking in the morning every morning, your body's mussels will be cured, as well as natural fresh air in the morning improves your mind. Due to which neither the Thyroid and other body diseases also end from the root.
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What to eat when you have a thyroid problem?

On being thyroid, you can eat light food like oatmeal, boiled vegetables, lentils, etc. Green vegetables and eat as little ghee-oil and spices as possible.

What not to eat when you have a thyroid problem?

You cannot eat Brinjal, rice, curd, rajma, Arabic, etc. due to the disease of Thyroid.
If you are eating any food, do not eat it when it is too cold and too hot.
Stay away from eating outside example: - street food

Symptoms of thyroid

  1. Earthquake and weight gain
  2. Swelling near the throat.
  3. Being tired and lethargic.
  4. Living in depression for a long time.
  5. Reduced sweating.
  6. Dry skin
  7. Too cold.
  8. Hair loss.
  9. Loss of memory
  10. To be Kabz.

If you have all these problems then you should get your checkup done by your doctor immediately. If there is a thyroid, you can control the thyroid from the very beginning.

Ayurvedic remedy of thyroid

  • If you are better than thyroid, drink coriander water. To make coriander water, take water in a copper vessel and give 1 to 2 teaspoons of coriander to it, then in the morning, mash the coriander properly and drink it. Gradually you will get improvement in your thyroid problem.
  • In the morning and in the evening, drink 1 to 2 teaspoons of coconut oil with light hot milk. You will see the effect yourself
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  1. Ayurvedic remedy is good for thyroid. or some thyroid herbal supplement is also more effective way for thyroid problem.


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