Actor Ranbir Kapoor and actress Alia Bhatt have been the talk of the town. The two have been rumored to be dating for years. Both have not publicly acknowledged the allegations, but have repeatedly denied the allegations. Many awards show and talk shows have given fans a taste of Alia and Ranbir's love affair. The couple is rumored to be making a love affair.
Many reports suggest that the couple will tie the knot in April or May next year. Meanwhile, a photo of Alia and Ranbir has gone viral on social media.
Fans are speculating after seeing this photo of the couple starting shopping for their wedding. Both have met Veena Kannan, a celebrity sari and bridal costume designer. Veena shared the photo on her Instagram. They are said to have met Veena Kanman to order a sari and bridal costume for the wedding. Unbeknownst to her, Alia and Ranbir will be seen together in the film 'Brahma'. Ayan Mukherjee is directing the film.
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The film is set to release on September 7. Now the shooting of the film is in full swing. Both have demanded a break from filming together. They are said to have taken the break to prepare for the wedding. Shooting for some scenes of the film was recently underway in Varanasi.
Both Alia and Ranbir returned to Mumbai from Varanasi. On their way back from Varanasi, they both wore the same attire they had when they met designer, Veena Kannan. So it is speculated that they met Bani Kanman as soon as they returned from Varanasi.
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