The film is set to be made by Bollywood legend Meena Kumari. The film will be produced under the banner of the T-Series. However, there is a lot of talk about who will play the role of Meena Kumari in the film. This is the first time that the industry's leading actress has been named.
According to media reports, Kirti Sanon has been selected for the role of Meena Kumari in the T-series. However, Kirti Sanon has not yet signed on to the film. According to sources, the T-series will be announced soon after the release of Meena Kumari's biopic, which has not yet been officially announced.
Similarly, a list has been made of the names of some directors to take charge of the biopic. Work is now underway on the film’s plans. If everything goes well, the film will soon be on the floor. On the other hand, is the door of an OTT platform. Meen Kumari has already made plans to build a series on her biography, which has also been officially announced. The project will be based on the love story of Meena Kumari and Kamal Amrohi. Kirti's upcoming projects include South Star Prabhas' 'Adipurus', Tiger's short film' Ganapati '. Kirti will also be seen in 'Vedia' and 'Shehzad'.
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