10 incredible Daily Routine That You Must Apply To Get Fit. Expressdunia

Changing routines is affecting our health. Today we pay less attention to being healthy while on the other hand we are more worried about the treatment when we have diseases. Instead of eating indigenous and healthy things, they are preferring packaged things that spread diseases. 

If we feel thirsty, we are drinking soda instead of water, due to which thirst is not quenched, diseases definitely increase. Similarly, in the desire to look beautiful, we have started using chemical things in such a large quantity that our real shine has been lost somewhere. 

In such a situation, on this World Health Day, special mantras to stay healthy are being told here. Today there is a need to make a resolution regarding health. Stay away from chemical products, adopt natural things and stay healthy.

time management concept with two people

The body is made up of the five elements i.e. earth, water, fire, air, and sky. Their imbalance disturbs the balance of Vata, Pitta, and Kapha in the body. The body is sick. In Ayurveda, these are called Tridoshas. These are directly related to our diet and routine. In such a situation, if you keep the routine right, then you will be healthy. Be healthy by taking care of the sun and moon, because keeping these in mind our ancestors had fixed the routine for a healthy lifestyle.

1. Scientific reasoning for getting up Early

This is the best time to wake up in the morning (4.30-5.30). Waking up at this time brings beauty, strength, knowledge, intelligence, and good health. According to scientific research, the pure air in the morning fills the body and mind with energy and energy. By doing yoga, exercise, and pranayama at this time, the body can become healthy. The chirping of birds makes the atmosphere pleasant and our body and mind cheerful.

2. Exercise till sweating

Get up early in the morning, retire from defecation, and clean your face and mouth. After that do the exercise. According to Ayurveda, do yoga till the sweat starts coming out from the underarms. This shows that the energy has reached all the parts of the body and they have become active.

3. Nature-Based Bath

If the nature of the body is phlegmatic, then it is better if you take a bath with warm or lukewarm water. Similarly, people of the Pitta type get benefit from bathing with cold water and Vata type with very light lukewarm water. This protects against seasonal diseases. Those who do not know their nature, they should take bath with normal water. Drop the water on the feet first.

4. Meditate on an empty stomach

After bathing there is talk of worship and meditation. Like yoga and exercise are necessary for the body, meditation is also necessary for the mind. This increases memory and memory power. Always keep in mind that meditation should always be done on an empty stomach.

5. After Meditation Breakfast

Breakfast is mandatory between 2-3 hours after leaving bed (7.30-8.00 hrs). Always eat breakfast after sunrise, so that metabolism can be activated. It should contain all the nutrients. After half an hour start work.

6. When to Have Lunch

The lunch should be between 12 and 1 o'clock. The reason for this is that the Sun is the brightest. At this time the gastric Agni i.e. the metabolic system is very good. Eat a seasonal fruit-light snack in between breakfast-lunch-dinner.

7. Avoid sleeping during the day

Some people sleep for a while after lunch, but it is not mentioned in Ayurveda. In case the temperature is high, it has been said to rest for a while. People who have AC or live in closed rooms. Such people should eat a little less during the day as well.

8. Do your favorite work in the evening

Favorite work should be done in the evening. Do outings with family in the evening too. play in it; Sing, dance, and do other hobbies.

9. dinner

With the sunset, the fire of the body also fades away. Therefore the power to digest food decreases. So have dinner a little after sunset. Because metabolism is low at night, so eat as light a meal as possible. Keep a gap of at least two hours between eating and sleeping. Take a short walk after dinner. If you sleep immediately after eating then obesity will increase.

10. Sleep Based on Nature

An average of 7-8 hours of sleep is required. But even if people sleep a little less, they will remain healthy. Sleeping too much can lead to weight gain. Pitta category people can sleep for 7-8 hours and Vata category can sleep more than eight hours.

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