Actress Rakulpreet will soon be seen sharing the screen with Amitabh Bachchan in the film 'Runway 34'. In this regard, she says about her experiences that when you become an actor, you first think that you should just meet Amitabh sir.
Then the desire arises that I should just work with them. That was a very special moment for me when I came to know that I am going to do a film with Amit sir. This was also one of the reasons for saying yes to this film.
He gives a lot of priority to his work. Despite being such a senior actor, it is still his habit to come on the set before time, that too an hour ago. They don't even have to go immediately after being packaged. What would he shoot the next day, he used to discuss all these.
I would like to tell you. There was a 21-page dialogue, which was to be shot in seven days, but on the very first day of shooting, he remembered the entire 21-page dialogue. I can give this in writing that at present there is no actor who can remember the dialogues of such a long scene in such a short time on the very first day itself. What actors will usually shoot tomorrow, he remembers. There is a lot to learn from him working with him."
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