Do you know the right way to eat? Expressdunia

In today's customs, we decide the food according to our appetite. If you feel hungry in the morning, then you will eat breakfast after filling your stomach and if it is not, then you will eat a straight lunch. On the other hand, if you like the taste, then eat more than hunger.

But it directly affects our health. There is a right way and rule to eat food.

Do you know the right way to eat?

Diet spacing matters.

Many types of physical weaknesses start coming due to not having breakfast in the morning. Therefore, have breakfast between 7-8 in the morning.

After 4-5 hours lunch should be taken. If for some reason you are not getting time to have lunch, then definitely take nutritious liquid food. Have dinner two hours before bedtime. After that take a walk for 20 minutes.

Eat a few times.

Eating little by little will increase the ability of the body to burn fat and strengthen its metabolic power. Blood sugar will be controlled. Energy will remain in the body. For this, instead of eating heavy meals 3 times a day, eat a little three or four times. For example, after having a good breakfast in the morning, eat two rotis for the lunch, then eat light snacks like gram, peanut,s etc. in the interval of a few hours.

Share a diet like this.

It is said that one should eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a beggar. Breakfast should be eaten in the morning. Lunch is served in less quantity than that. The dinner should be very light and digestible like khichdi.

Start the day with the right diet.

1. Eat an apple, orange, papaya, and watermelon in the morning.

2. Start the day by drinking lukewarm water on an empty stomach.

3. In breakfast, mainly include idli, dal or gram flour, poha or upma, paneer, sprouts and soaked almonds etc. You can also take curd, milk, buttermilk or juice along with it. Salted porridge, ghee roti, boiled egg and oats can also be taken.

4. In the afternoon, you can have roti, lentils, green vegetables, fresh curd or buttermilk and salad.

5. It will be beneficial to take fresh curd and buttermilk in the food of the day. It is best to drink water one hour after having a meal.

6. For dinner, you can take paneer, fish, chicken, soybean, lentils and chapati with green vegetables.

Do you know the right way to eat? Expressdunia

Make food appealing.

Why do you like junk food because of its taste, color and unique smell?

That's why make your daily meals so appealing. Garnish with salad, dressing and herbs. Serve it well on a plate and eat it.

Choose one day a week.

Chew your everyday food slowly and enjoy it. Decide that you will eat junk food only one day a week. Also decide its quantity. Gradually it will become a habit and you will wait for that day and time and you will start enjoying it in the same amount.

Do not keep Junk food stock at home.

Do not keep stock of cold drinks and junk food in the house. If you stay in front, you will feel like eating. If you have time, you can make nutritious snacks at home with less oil from Makhana, Chivda etc. Apart from this, include the habit of eating more and more salads in life. By doing this many problems will be avoided.

Add this to your routine.

Add exercise or some activity to your routine. Avoid falling asleep immediately after eating. Take a short walk after dinner. Drink two to three glasses of water half an hour after every meal. If you are fond of tea, then reduce its quantity and drink half a glass of water before tea.

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