How much do you take care of your eyes? Expressdunia

Due to the constant gaze on computers, mobiles, laptops, and TV, many problems related to eyes are increasing. One of them is the problem of dry eyes. 

Why this happens and how you can prevent it, know...

How much do you take care of your eyes? Expressdunia

Dry eyes have become a common problem in today's lifestyle, due to which young people are becoming more victims. Earlier the problem of dry eyes was considered to be a problem with age. But today the youth is the most troubled by this. Apart from this, now young children are also found suffering from this problem.

In dry eye syndrome, a person starts feeling dry in the eyes. This problem occurs when the process of producing tears in the eyes is affected, however, there is no problem related to eyesight in dry eyes.

Recognize these symptoms.

  • Stinging, burning or scratching feeling in the eyes.
  • sensitivity to light.
  • Redness of eyes often.
  • Difficulty wearing contact lenses.
  • Difficulty driving at night.
  • Watery eyes, a reaction caused by irritation.
  • To appear blurry

Why are there dry eyes?

This problem occurs when the production of tears is affected. There are three layers of tear film that usually help to keep the surface of the eye smooth and clean. Problems in any of these layers can cause dryness in the eyes.

The problem would be like this.

To diagnose this problem, the eyes and tears are tested. If the condition is normal then some eye drops and medicines can reduce the problem. Yes, the person who has the problem also needs to take precautions, such as protection from dust and pollution etc.

Some tips would be helpful...

Blink your eyes...

When you work in an air-conditioned environment, there is a higher risk of dry eyes due to increased evaporation. Take a 15-second break every 15 minutes and close your eyes. This will keep the eyes moist.

Have enough light...

Make sure there is adequate lighting at the workplace. The computer screen should not be too bright. There should be a distance of at least 12 inches between the computer and the eyes.

Nutritious food...

Eat foods that are high in vitamin A (green leafy vegetables, carrots, broccoli, etc.) and omega-3-fatty acids (fish, walnuts and vegetable oils).

 Avoid strong wind...

Do not allow air from hair dryers, car heaters, air conditioners or fans to get directly into the eyes. Use shields and eyeglasses to protect the eyes from strong and dry air.

Give your eyes a rest...

If you are studying or working on the computer, take breaks at regular intervals. Continuous work also causes irritation in the eyes. Close your eyes for a few minutes or seconds, or blink your eyelids repeatedly, so that the tears spread evenly throughout the eye.

Avoid smoking...

Quit if you smoke, as smoking worsens the symptoms of dry eye syndrome.

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