Bollywood superstar Akshay Kumar, along with Ajay Devgn and Shah Rukh Khan, has been widely criticized for advertising the Bimal Pan Masala brand. Akshay has been under constant surveillance on all social media for the past few days.

Know Why Akshay Kumar apologizes To The Fans

Seeing this, Akshay Kumar has backed down, as he has never disappointed his fans. This means that Akshay Bimal Pan Masala has dropped out of the ad. Akshay Kumar has apologized for advertising the Gutkha company through a social media post.

"I apologize to all my fans and well-wishers," he wrote in the post. Your reaction to the last few days has impressed me. I do not support tobacco. I respect the way all of you have expressed my feelings about my relationship with Bimal ilaichi. "

Akshay also writes that he will use all the money from the advertisement for some good work. "It simply came to our notice then. Actor Akshay said in several interviews that the Gutkha companies were giving him crores of rupees, but he was not accepting them. 

Akshay has repeatedly opposed Pan's policies. "It simply came to our notice then. Revealing star Akshay Kumar has been the subject of much criticism. Earlier, Bollywood superstar Amitabh Bachchan was also criticized for his campaign.