Bollywood couple Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt have recently tied the knot. The couple will be seen in the film "Brahmastra" very soon. Apart from Ranbir and Alia, there are many leading artists. Big B Amitabh Bachchan, Nagarjuna, Dimple Kapadia and Maine Ray also have important roles to play.
The Rs 300 crore film is said to be the most expensive film of the year. The film, based on the superhero, will be released in two parts. It took about four years to make the film 'Brahmastra' . "It simply came to our notice then. It is alleged that the ambassador provided the information to Hussein.
It is rumored that Ranbir alone has raised Rs 25 crore to Rs 30 crore for the film. Alia has taken Rs 10 crore to Rs 12 crore for the film. The film stars Ranbir as Shiva and Alia as Isha. It will feature Big B 'Amitabh in the incarnation of Lord Brahma. Big B has taken Rs 6 crore to make the film. Similarly, Mauni Roy, a well-known television actress, has bagged Rs 3 crore for the film.
Mauni will be seen as a villain in it. . The film also stars Southern superstar Nagarjun. He is returning to Bollywood after many years. He has taken Rs 10 crore to Rs 12 crore for the film. It will feature Nagarjuna in the role of an archaeologist. Actress Dimple Kapadia has also taken Rs 2 crore from the crore.
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