These household things can get rid of stubborn pimples.
Most everyone is troubled by the problem of getting pimples on the face. This problem can occur due to wrong eating habits, poor lifestyle, or due to hormonal imbalance. To get rid of them, you get many products in the market, but some things kept in the house can also work for you and can get rid of these stubborn pimples. So let's know about some home remedies with the help of which you can get relief from pimples.
Home Remedies
1) How to get rid of pimples using ice.
Ice actually reduces the redness of the pimple, which reduces the swelling and also reduces irritation. Place two or three ice cubes in a cloth and apply to the face. And very soon you will get relief from stubborn pimples.
2) How to get rid of pimples with neem leaves.
If you live in the city, then you must first buy neem leaves from the market or if you live in a village where neem leaves are easily available, bring neem leaves and clean them first. . After that, grind them well and apply them on the face once a week can get relief from the problem of pimples, nail-acne.
3) How to get rid of pimples by taking steam on the face.
Taking steam daily opens the pores of the skin and makes it easier for the skin to breathe. Due to this dirt does not settle and the problem of pimples can be relieved.
4) How to get rid of pimples by eating a healthy diet.
Eating too much oily or chili-spicy food has a profound effect on the skin. Eating healthy food, and consuming green vegetables and fruits regularly do not cause the problem of pimples on the face.
5) How to get rid of pimples using garlic buds.
Antiviral, antifungal, antiseptic, and antioxidants are found in garlic which is beneficial for the skin. For this, take a garlic bud and apply it to the pimple, and after 6-7 minutes wash the face with lukewarm water. Similarly, if you do this two to three times a week, then the pimples will soon disappear from your face.
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