Actress Samantha Ruth Prabhu's upcoming film 'Yashoda' will release on August 12. It is a Pan India film and will be released in Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada and Malayalam languages. It is a science fiction thriller drama. Apart from Samantha, Varalakshmi Sarathkumar, Unni Mukundan, Rao Ramesh, Murli Sharma, Sampath Raj, Kalpana Ganesh, Divya Shripada and Priyanka Sharma will also be seen in this film. Hari and Harish are directing this film.
Producer Shivleka Krishna Prasad said about the film… “Samantha has not only given a great performance in acting but also in the fight sequence of this film. The shooting of the film will be completed by the end of May. Its budget is around 30 crores. Talk about Samantha's work front. He has recently completed the shooting of the film 'Shakuntalam'. Along with this, Samantha will also be seen in a film named 'Arrangement of Love'.
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