Side Effect Of Less Sleep. and How To Improve Your Sleep.

Last month, the theme of World Sleep Day was 'Good Sleep, Healthy Mind, Happy World'. This is the sequence of all three. One of the pitfalls of the modern lifestyle is that we have to make enough days to get enough sleep, reminding us that good sleep is essential for a good life.

Side Effect Of Less Sleep. and How To Overcome This.

People are sleeping less than the normal required sleeping hours due to long working hours, and family, social or health issues. A simple example of this is that people who do not get enough sleep often fall asleep while driving or working because such people feel lethargic even during the day.

The typical bedtime in adults ranges from 7 to 9 hours.


Due to less sleep, the mind does not get rest. This increases stress, which directly affects work efficiency. As a result, problems like anger, irritability and depression start.

Memory starts getting weak. The brain starts forgetting even the ordinary things of everyday life. Due to this, the decision-making ability also weakens.

There is an effect on the metabolic rate (the rate of use of energy from food). This leads to an increase in body fat, which has a bad effect on heart health and increases the risk of high blood pressure, diabetes and heart problems.

The ability to fight diseases starts decreasing. When the immune system is weak, a person becomes more vulnerable to diseases.

Even a day's less sleep also increases insulin resistance, that is, the amount of sugar in the blood increases. Long-term sleep deprivation increases the risk of diabetes.

It also has a negative effect on the stomach and digestion and increases stress. Hormones become unbalanced, due to which the graph of many hormonal problems like thyroid, and PCOD in women is increasing rapidly. Apart from this, women may also have to face problems like irritability, mood swings, period irregularities and obesity.

How to get good sleep.

1. Maintain a proper sleeping pattern of sleeping and get up on time.

2. Do not consume beverages like coffee, tea, cold drinks while sleeping.

3. Avoid alcohol and smoking.

4. Make the ambiance of the room comfortable and calm.

5. Limit the use of electronic devices during sleep as sleeping with lights, television, or music on can affect sleep quality through auditory and visual cues. Exposure to light decreases the secretion of the hormone melatonin, essential for sleep.

6. Take a walk before sleeping.

7. Keep your mobile phone and laptop separate at least an hour before sleeping.

8. Take a balanced nutritious diet.

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