These mistakes do not let you take advantage of exercise.

Exercising is so beneficial, but if you sit with a few mistakes, it is difficult to get the benefits.

Exercise keeps us healthy not only physically but also MAIN mentally. Therefore, it is necessary to exercise daily for good health. But if you do not exercise properly, either you get hurt or you stop exercising. By bringing a little awareness, mistakes made during exercise can be avoided.

These mistakes do not let you take advantage of exercise.

1. Empty stomach exercise.

Doing so can lead to weakness due to a lack of energy in the body. Therefore, eat something light before exercising, so that nutrition can reach the body. If you have eaten very light food like bananas, grapes, or oranges, then you can exercise for 15-30 minutes after eating them. 

If you have eaten milk or any other moderate-level food, then you can exercise after 45 minutes. If you have had a heavy meal, then it would be appropriate to exercise after one and a half hours, although yoga is done on an empty stomach, so make sure to consult a yoga teacher.

2. Drink water fast.

One should neither drink less nor drink too much water during exercise. Drink only a little water when you are thirsty so that the water level in the body remains normal. Many times people drink too much water during exercise or sports, which is wrong from a health point of view.

3. Wearing tight clothes.

Many people wear tight clothes during exercise or yoga, due to which the muscles of the body do not stretch properly. Because of this, the body does not get the full benefit. Always wear loose and airy clothes during exercise.

4. Do not warm up.

Warm up for 5-10 minutes before exercising. For this, you can run and do light stretching. Exercising without stretching increases the risk of injury. It is very important to do stretching before and after doing any exercise or physical activity.

5. More exercise.

Exercising excessively increases the risk of exhaustion and injury in the body. Many people start playing badminton straight away. Playing without warm-up and stretching can lead to muscle strain and injury.

6. Do not rest.

Some people do not give the rest or recovery period that the body needs after exercising. If the body is tired due to heavy exercise done the day before, then it should be given rest. Also, getting enough sleep is also very important, because the muscles repair themselves while sleeping.

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