Produced by National Award-winning producer M Ramesh Reddy, Susie Ganesan's film 'Dil Hai Grey' will hit the theaters in July 2022. Titled 'Dil Hai Grey', the film will feature Vineet Kumar Singh, Akshay Oberoi and Urvashi Rautela in pivotal roles. Produced by M Ramesh Reddy, the film will be directed by Susi Ganesan and the story of the film is written by her and Tariq Mohammed and Naveen Prakash.

Dil Hai Grey

The film will trace the journey of a police inspector (Vineet), who searches for a man (Akshay) who traps innocent women on social media. The title of the film alludes to how every human being has his own two sides due to some circumstances, and some stand the test of time, some don't,

The story of the film touches upon the fact that not everything is black and white, and when the time comes, even good people have a change of heart. However, all the information related to the film has not been revealed yet. The film's director Susie says the film's relevance and the entire backdrop on which it is based makes the film important in the present times. We are in a time where a lot of things are happening online, this film will definitely be a way to not only tell the story, but also to make people aware of cybercrime, and it will also show the flaws of the system as our society. will show The film will be released in theater on July 2022.