Why Weight Increase After Pregnancy? And How To Loose Weight.

Becoming a mother is the most beautiful moment in any woman's life. When women become pregnant, many changes are seen in their bodies. At the same time, some women have to face problems like weight gain even after delivery. A pregnant woman also has to go through many mental changes. In fact, even after becoming a mother, the process of hormonal changes in the woman's body continues for a few days, due to which the weight of the mother increases.


Ghee, dry fruits, etc. are fed to the mother to make her body strong for 40 days after delivery. But during this time she is not able to exercise etc. In such a situation, the fat in the body increases further.

Why does the weight increase After Pregnancy?

The main reason for weight gain in women after delivery is negligence in their diet. Obesity also increases due to not eating food on time and eating more together. If you want to lose weight, then eat on time, and eat more fruits and vegetables. Apart from these, it is important to take care of some things as well.

  • After delivery, not taking rest, physical activity all the time, not going for walks, etc. can also be the reason for weight gain.
  • Most of the women after delivery become so busy taking care of the baby that they are not able to pay attention to themselves. Due to this, they do not get time to exercise and their weight starts increasing.
  • Many women do not breastfeed their babies after delivery. They believe that by doing this their body will become unformed. While breastfeeding keeps the weight under control because it costs about 500 calories to breastfeed. At the same time, breastfeeding is also important for the health of the child.
  • In some women, obesity also increases after delivery due to unbalanced thyroid.
  • Women are more prone to obesity after delivery from surgery.
  • Some women get stressed after delivery, due to which weight gain also starts.

Increase Nutrition In Food To Lose Weight.

Many women also have the problem of constipation during this period. So eat fiber-rich food. Women need the most protein. For this, on the advice of the doctor, eat oatmeal, green vegetables, fruits, pulses, milk, curd, dry fruits, eggs, etc. At the same time, to increase the amount of blood, food rich in iron and folic acid like spinach, fenugreek, figs, etc. should be eaten. Drink liquid diet like eight to ten glasses of water, coconut water, fennel water, fruit juice, etc.

What Not To Eat?

Do not eat gas-forming foods like cabbage, sour fried spicy things, eat less coffee and chocolate. Do not drink cold drinks and soda, stay away from alcohol and cigarettes.

Lose Weight Like This.

Dancing can be a good way to lose weight. You can dance for some time after delivery. Dancing will also help in reducing weight. However, do consult a doctor first, because some precautions may be advised according to the post-delivery period.

  • Incorporate walking into the routine. Take a walk in the park for a while. If you have to go to get things from nearby, then go for a walk.
  • Swimming is also a better option for reducing belly and weight. Four times a week, for half an hour, you can swim under the supervision of an instructor. But after the doctor's advice.
  • Do light exercise daily. Yogasanas can be done easily. Do not do heavy exercises to lose weight without the advice of a doctor.

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