5 Tips To Clean Copper Utensils So That Your Utensils Shine All The Time

Most of the utensils in Indian cooks are made of copper. By using them, the diseases of the body are removed, that is why copper utensils are used in Indian kitchens, but copper utensils start turning black with time. There are many types of advertisements coming in the market for polishing copper utensils, but we always like to find some home remedies, which are better than the market goods. 

Let's know how to clean copper utensils.

5 Tips To Clean Copper Utensils So That Your Utensils Shine All The Time

1. Clean with Salt and Vinegar

Pour a solution of vinegar and salt on a copper vessel and rub it until the oily or sticky water comes out from it. after that clean the copper vessel with normal water then you can find your copper vessel shining like a diamond.

2. Use Lemon to clean Copper Utensils

You can also use lemon to make copper utensils shine. Sometimes clean the utensils with lemon slices. Rub a lemon slice on the stain on the copper vessel and then wash it with clean water. You will see that your utensils will look brighter than before.

3. Use Vinegar, Salt and Flour

To clean the copper vessel with the help of vinegar and the floor. first, mix vinegar and salt in a cup or bowl. When it is mixed well, then add flour to it and prepare a paste. Then rub the utensil with this paste and wash it with hot water after 15 minutes.

4. Use Lemon and Salt

To clean the copper vessel with the help of lemon and salt, first, you rub copper utensils with lemon and salt can also clean copper utensils.

 5. Use Baking Soda

Use baking soda and salt or even use baking soda alone. Due to this, the copper utensils shine instantly.

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