Children have a small stomachs, ate little food and their stomach was full. Since, children eat less quantity, the responsibility of giving them variety in food increases even more. Whenever your child eats, feed him a variety of foods so that he gets enough and different nutrients from each food. Many people do not know whether you can feed cardamom to baby or toddler.

Children must be fed cardamom, you will be surprised to hear the benefits.

Cardamom is not only used to enhance the taste of food, but it can also provide many nutrients to your baby. In this article, we will know how you can include cardamom in your baby's diet and its benefits for the child's health.

How to feed cardamom to baby

You can feed cardamom to baby in many ways but keep in mind that its seeds should be wet and soft or else they can get stuck in the baby's throat. Soak cardamom seeds in water for a few hours for five minutes. This makes them soft.

How to eat cardamom

You can make powder by grinding cardamom and then give this powder to the child by adding it to milk or you can give it by mixing it in smoothie. Cardamom powder can also be added to desserts, curd.

No fat

According to a study, cardamom powder prevents obesity or fat accumulation. In addition, it can also protect against dyslipidemia, oxidative stress and hepatic damage.

good for stomach

Cardamom contains digestive enzymes that improve the digestion capacity of the baby. Metabolism is also fine due to this. If your child has an upset stomach or is constipated, then you can take cardamom powder in his food.

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