Kiara Advani's upcoming film 'Govinda Nam Mera' is set to release soon. Kiara Advani calls the upcoming film 'Govinda Nam Mera' a unique film. As a part of this project, Kiara Advani is very excited. The film stars Vicky Kaushal and Bhumi Peneker will be seen in the film. The film is set to release on June 10. The film is directed by Sasha Khaitan. The reason for calling the film unique, Kiara says, is not yet clear what kind of film it is.
In her opinion, this is definitely different. "It simply came to our notice then. Kiara said the audience would feel the same way as the film team calls it. He is currently awaiting the release of his upcoming film 'Bhul Bhuleya-2'.
He has a multi-star comedy-drama 'Jug jug Jiyo'. Directed by Raj Mehta, the film stars Anil Kapoor, Nitu Kapoor, Barun Dhawan, Prajakta Koli, and Manish Paul. It is a family entertainment film. This is Kiara's second religious project this year.
Kiara Advani is working on a new project by filmmaker Shankar. It stars Southern star Ram Charan Teja in the lead role. He is still shooting for the film. This is his first multilingual film, which he is very excited about. The horror-comedy 'Bhul Bhuleya-2' will hit theaters on the 20th of this month. It was directed by Anis Bajmi. Karthik Aryan and Tabu shared the screen.
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