It is important to look at how comfortable the clothes can be, not the style or fashion on a summer day. It's not fair to think that the fashion industry is in the same fashion. Clothing should be chosen in such a way that it does not infect the body during the summer season and does not cause nasal infections.
At this point, the cotton garment is best because of the excessive sweating from the body. Cotton clothes absorb sweat. However, wearing synthetic clothing at this time can lead to sweating. Light-colored cotton clothing is comfortable on a hot day and does not allow bacteria and fungal infections on the skin.
You can wear linen clothes when you go to the office. It's very light. The thinner the wind, the easier it is to move. Even if you sweat, wearing this outfit dries easily.
Khadi clothes on dry days are also comfortable for the skin. So the color of the garment's fabric is just as important.
Avoid wearing black on summer days. Avoid fabrics like chiffon, and georgette. Light Friendly Emphasize Light Color. Focus on a clean interior. Tight underwear often causes skin infections. Remember that cotton underwear does not prevent infection.
Girls should wear trousers, loose pants instead of tight jeans, and leggings. Wear skin-wrapped clothing when it is hot. Sunscreen will not harm the skin.
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