In the summer season, the skin becomes dry and lifeless. Women's skin is very soft, in such a situation, due to strong sunlight and a hot environment, the skin of the face becomes oily, sticky, and dark. If you are also troubled by this problem, then with the help of cucumber you can get glowing and beautiful skin. It not only maintains good health but also enhances your beauty. Know how to use cucumbers to look beautiful.

Do not be upset in summer, cucumber will bring a glow on the face

Cucumber juice will make the skin glowing

Cucumber juice removes skin irritation and provides coolness. To make the skin glow, apply cucumber juice on the face for at least 30 minutes. Wash the face after drying. Then wash the face with clean water. Doing this daily will bring freshness and a glow to the face.

Cucumber puree prevents sunburn

Cucumber is also used for bleaching. It brightens the complexion of the skin by reducing tan and scars on the skin. Mix an equal quantity of lemon juice in cucumber puree or juice and apply it on the face and leave it for 15 minutes. Aloe vera gel can also be mixed in it to avoid sunburn.