So friends, in today's article, we will know why there are 1 to 4 antennas in the wifi routers. After all, what is the work of this Antenna? And why has this been imposed? If this antenna is not there then can we not run wifi. 

Why WIFI Router Has 1 to 4 Antenna. What are the function of antenna in Router.

Will know everything Just stay tuned and read this article completely and tell me by commenting.

If you are a fan of the internet and you have multiple devices in your house then there will definitely be a wi-fi router in your house. Otherwise, you must have seen wifi routers in the office, schools, malls, railway stations, or airports. You can use the Internet by simply connecting many devices to the same router. So have you ever counted the antenna of the router or have you ever wondered why this antenna is installed. And what does this work for?

If not then let me tell you that the wifi router has 3 ports. By which

1. Network Port

2. Antenna

3. CPU

The most important port among these is the antenna port. This antenna controls your network. And because of this antenna, the range of the network increases. And converts the signal received from the Modem into wireless.

The more antenna in the Wifi Router, the better the internet speed gets to the device connected to that router. Even if your router is installed in one room and you are sitting in another room, you still get the best internet facility.

So did you know about it earlier, if not, then definitely tell us? And tell us by commenting how many antennas are there in your router.