Difference Between Hair Conditioner And Hair Mask

difference between hair conditioner and hair mask

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what is the difference between hair conditioner and hair mask

Hair that shows the beauty of a woman. Don't know how much women do to make hair good shinning. And why not, because the hair which reflects the good personality of a woman.

Everyone knows about the working of shampoo, there is a difference between the working of hair conditioner and hair mask. So let's know what is the difference between hair conditioner and hair mask.
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Hair conditioner

The hair conditioner is applied to the hair immediately after shampoo. Which brings softness and smoothness to hair. Due to which hair does not get tangled and hair comes shining. You will go to many different hair conditioners in the market and everyone's work is made to solve different problems. The hair conditioner should be applied for 2 to 5 minutes in hair. And you get the effect of seeing it in your hair immediately.

Vinegar for conditioner

Vinegar brings shining hair. Instead of applying vinegar directly on the hair, you can mix a little honey and olive oil by mixing it. If there is no olive oil in your house, then you can mix any other oil and apply it. it works as a conditioner.

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Hair mask

Hair mask contains nourishing oil and hair repairing ingredients. Which rejuvenates your dal and damage hair. The hair mask is applied in your dry hair for about 30 minutes before washing the hair so that the hair absorbs all the ingredients from the hair mask. And after this, shampoo and hair conditioner is applied in the hair.

Try a natural hair mask

The hair becomes lifeless due to pollution, dust, and sweat, this hair needs your extra care. As such, to get rid of these types of problems, you will find many types of products in the market. But making a natural hair mask brings a different feeling. If you want to make a hair mask at home, then read below

How to make hair mask

Mesh a banana properly and mix it well with three spoons of honey, three spoons of milk and three spoons of olive oil or argon oil. After mixing the paste properly, apply it in your hair for 30 minutes and after that wash the hair. Hair mask is a low-dose remedy for hair loss.

Yogurt mask

Protein is available for hair in Yogurt, it makes hair healthy and soft. To make yogurt mask, boil the egg in a vessel and add 6 tablespoons of yogurt and mix it well. Apply this paste on hairs and wash it after 30 minutes.

Hina hair mask

Hina(Mehndi) works as a good conditioner for hair. Mehndi is used to color hair. If you just start to conditioner hair, then you should only apply for 30 to 45 minutes. It brings a shine in hair. If you keep it on your hair for a long time, then your hair can become dry.

To avoid dryness, you can mix milk with normal milk or normal water and add lemon and olive oil to it and apply it to your hair.


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